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Pre-Mortem or Post-Mortem for Decision Making

Pre-Mortem or Post-Mortem for Decision Making?

Revisit the Cobra Effect The underrepresentation of women in top leadership positions within Indian corporations prompts critical questions about the factors influencing this disparity. Is it a matter of competence or strategic decision-making capabilities? I do not believe that the glass ceiling, glass wall, or glass cliff exits, as before.…
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soft skills training and leadership development

Women of Essence: Different Strokes

On International Women’s Day 2024, our team at 3T embarked on a campaign titled, “Women of Essence: Different Strokes,” celebrating women from various walks of life—entrepreneurs, professionals, academicians, activists, and homemakers. Through this initiative, we aimed to recognize the remarkable contributions of women who have carved a place for themselves…
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Communication and Soft Skills

Leadership through Interpersonal Communication and Soft Skills Training

In a recent workshop focused on cultivating skillful leadership through interpersonal competencies, I emphasized the pivotal role of relationships as an amalgamation of words, actions, and thoughts. When all three components align positively, relationships thrive; however, negativity in any aspect—such as sarcasm, insensitivity, or harboring negative thoughts—can tarnish even the…
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Learning from Leaders